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Crazy Shit Women Say In Bed When You’re Fucking Them | Woman Mind Sex Tips & Reading

Crazy Shit Women Say In Bed When You’re Fucking Them | Woman Mind Sex Tips & Reading

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VIDEO TRANSCRIPTON Crazy Shit Women Say in Bed. women mind sex tips and how to read them that’s what I’ll answer in today’s video. 


Hi my name is Dillon Wilson, the couple’s coach. I help single people and couples enjoy their lives more by having great sex. Also help guys seduce girls and permanently hook them with their sex game. If you’d like to learn how to give any woman three to seven orgasms every single time you have sex then click on the link below this video to learn more.


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So the other day I decided to look up crazy shit women say in bed when you fuck them to put together a woman mind sex tutorial and guess what you can’t find any of this stuff online. Everything is is about stuff that guys say to make men look like losers. It’s written for the ladies. Well I’m gonna put some of the truth out there. Now if you don’t last more than three minutes in bed you may have never heard stuff like this before. So here are 10 crazy-ass statements that women have made in bed when getting fuck that they said either to me or other guys.


So I’ll share three things. One is what the women actually said. Two is when they said it before during or after the sex and three are my friends who are experienced Puas players playboys whatever you want to call it and my mind sex reading on why the women said.


Okay so here’s the first one.


1) Why does good sex always give me the shaky legs walk?

Now if you don’t know what the shaky legs walk is I’m going to demonstrate this for you. right. so women get out of bed and they try to go to the bathroom or something like I’m so confused right the legs are shaking around because you know the muscles are still like you know twitching and everything right. Now this was said uh after the sex and our our our woman mind sex reading on why she said this is because of the positions that she had been put in and the magnitude of the fuck. And this is key because your key position if you put a woman in you just straight pounding right and they like it they like you feeling that force in their vagina in certain positions. Maybe see they can’t slam they’re like right having orgasms and stuff and then they get up and they just confuse they don’t know what the hell is going on.


2) My legs are long and my pussy is deep. 

And this one a woman said to me and I gotta tell you her pussy wasn’t that deep now if I thought this was original I hadn’t heard this one before and even when she said it, i just kind of smile I kept flowing with it though yeah then i like teased her about it for like a month afterwards like we walking down the street holding hands or something I’m like yeah you know I was thinking about the other day you know but with your legs being so long and your pussy being deep is he like oh my goodness I’m so embarrassed I cannot believe i said that. It was cute to me you know if we met today I would still bring that up just to make her blush and land. yet this was said before the sex and our woman mind sex reading you know on this is this a woman when she says something like this she wants you to put her legs up so you can fuck her deeply right. she might you know also like wrapping her legs around you so you get deep penetration so if you have a woman say something like that you know you’re certain again you know the sexual positions you want to get deep penetration because that’s what she really enjoys.


3) Why does good sex make your butt grow big? 

This one was said to me and this was said afterwards and our woman mind sex reading on this one is there used to be an urban myth that anal sex or have hitting a doggy style increases the size of a woman’s ass. and the women actually believe that anything like this women feed into yet a lot of women did believe this right so yet also it could just be because of the tingling sensations and i asked you I’m smacking the ass and hitting the doggy style I’m working in. it’s an Olympic caliber performance for me you understand always standard you know. So afterwards you know her booty is tingling she can feel it in her booty and it feels like she just had her booty worked out so you know this was uh this is why she said that.


4) Oh shit it feels like I’m getting pregnant.

Now this was said to me as well. this was said during sex. our woman mind sex reading on this one was most likely there was deep penetration happening you know possibly into her cervical canal that made her feel like she may be getting pregnant. Like it’s really deep like you know she really could feel it. again knowing having knowledge of those sexual positions really helps with that so if you hear something like that you know at some variation you’re getting deep penetration.


More Pua training from a previous article:


5) Oh you’re giving me a toothache. Oh you’re giving me a toothache

Now this was said to me you know and i remember thinking at the time hearing this girl was writing me at the time she’s saying this I’m thinking what like that’s not sexy you don’t think of a toothache as being a it’d be different to see if it was like a dentist if she was in the s m or something yeah she was a chiropractor you know so I was like that was weird yeah you remember don’t don’t try to figure these chicks out just just flow with it right just flow with it. So this was said during sex as she was actually approaching orgasm like literally orgasm maybe like a minute or two later you know she’s approaching orgasm saying it’s over and over again. So our woman mind sex reading on this one is she’s felt the sensation in her mouth, you know based on a sexual position, sometimes it’s just like if you have a toothache right the tooth here might be bad did you feel pain over here or pain somewhere else in your body also you could have an issue with your feet they’re causing uh issues in your spine you actually feel it in your spine and actually the root cause is something in your feet. So we believe that she the sexual position, the way she was feeling because she was riding me and she was kind of leaning to the side that somehow she was feeling it in her teeth obviously it felt good it was probably the best feeling tooth ache that woman probably ever had in the life. Yet you know that’s what we came up with.


6) If you keep fucking me like this, I will lose my mind.

Now this was said during and afterwards. and a woman mind sex reading on this one was because of the magnitude of the fucking. you start with the magnitude of the fucking. and, plus the stamina and endurance you know she was completely overwhelmed. A lot of women are only used to they’re used to being with guys that only last three to five minutes if that a lot of guys that’s the standard three to five minutes. so even if you’re at 20 minutes that’s not even a long time yet. I mean 20 minutes 30 minutes and you know you’re bringing it most women gonna be overwhelmed with that.


7) Why does good sex make me forget where I’m at?

This was something she screamed several times over and over again and this was said during sex. the woman mind sex read on this one, one is because one you’re doing it right laying it to her correctly. they’re confused their mind is short circus this is what happens right definitely because of the magnitude of the fucking, remember that one the magnitude of the fucking, in combination with the stamina and the endurance. now personally i usually cut my sessions with women I maxed out an hour and a half. Usually like an hour and a half I feel a woman out there right. yet realistically dudes guys uh ejaculate under 10 minutes three to five minutes. Most women hit their orgasm around 15 minutes some sooner right you have 15 minutes if these dudes even lasted 10 minutes longer, if you lasted five minutes you could last 10 minutes longer, you could have a simultaneous climax most women climax at 15 minutes. so that’s why you’ve been going 20 25 minutes you know what you’re doing she’s already had an orgasm. she’s happy he’s all get out and you’re still adding up the magnitude of the fucking.


8) Will you be my boyfriend?

Now this is said right afterwards. now, a woman mine sex read on this one is the sex was really good and she wants to take your ass off the market. you know that’s a pretty simple one yeah that’s how they do it. when you hit it right you don’t have to ask a woman to be your girlfriend. she’s going to come after you the pressure is on. i mean literally you are pulling out of the pussy, and that’s, will you be my boyfriend it’s like can i even get the condom off girl right? that’s what it means that’s how you want to work it.


9) You can come inside me or we better be careful I’m ovulating.

Now obviously this is said you know usually during. the woman mind sex read on this one one it feels really good and it it’s turning her on like she could be one of these women who just like to take risks like that. some women are built that way. they like you know living dangerously at least when it comes to that and they’ll you know they’ll go for it they’ll want to encourage you to do it and uh the other thing is she could be approaching her her cycle and right before usually a week before a woman’s cycle her hormones are kicking in and she’s horny. she can’t help it. she gets really horny you know proceeding and what usually when you get to know a woman you can kind of tell when it happens yeah as a rule it’s usually leading up to it you know, like a week before her cycle begins, she’s really horny. so much so that she will start dressing in a sexy way and may not even realize, she just says oh if you were to ask her why she has his outfit on she’s like someone do something different no hormonally she’s she’s horny and she’s trying to attract a male so that she can mate. 

So if you see ever see a woman who’s dressed really provocatively don’t think that you know don’t be intimidated go up and talk to her you could probably hit that the same day. Because hormones women women can’t overcome their hormones if their hormones want them to fuck, they’re fucking. so you see a woman who is dressed really provocatively you know sexually, go up and talk to her because she’s ready to get it on. oh yeah one other thing, if if if there’s a woman you trust and she’s on the pill 100, then you know you might want to go ahead and come inside of her. If not do not do not do that put three columns on, do not rely on the rhythm method. some guys are still using the rhythm it’s like when you look at it in the 60s or 70s or something. do not rely on the rhythm method because it’s a surefire way to wind up with a child support payment for the next 25 26 years.


And finally…


10) I only do this with my boyfriend.

That was said before, and the other, what are we doing? said right afterwards. now even though the timing is different with those they both mean the same thing. she likes you across the board. everything is good. and now she has sex with you and she realizes that not only are you sexually compatible, she enjoys the sex. she wants to take your ass off the market and lock you down in a committed relationship. now I’ll share a story with you, this is another lingerie model I dated, if you’re going to date models I’d recommend long as you’re remodels the other girls are just regular girls just putting on clothes, you know your laundry models tend to have you know take sexy to the next level. so, she and I were about to have sex for the first time, and I told her she she was uh coming over my house I was cooking her dinner, right it’s something i cover in my my Pua training course of cooking at dinner so she was coming over my place that night. And I always would tell girls and coming from my place to dress comfortably yeah you know wear something comfortable right, like a nice skirt pretty dress something like that you can relax in also it makes it for easy access when it comes time to throw down right. this girl shows up with skin tight jeans on, I could not get these jeans off this girl, she was probably flexing her thighs or something make it more challenging because I’m, she’s in my bed. I’m trying to pull the jeans off of her I broke a sweat doing this, right, I never got the jeans off of her before this conversation happened. and as I’m pulling her gene trying to pull her jeans off of her she says, she said that to me oh I only do this with my boyfriend. now when you’re in a mode where you’re you’re picking up a lot of girls like you’re doing quantity, it’s easy for a woman to say the wrong thing and you throw her ass out, because like I would make I will send out a mass text message and be knee deep and pussy in 90 minutes with a different girl. it’s a different mentality so I remember that so my initial reaction was like you know, and then I was like Dillon, just relax the pussy is right there, right, it’s I mean it’s in your bed. like all right, all right so I had to go and you know to my seduce my master seducer mode and I said okay. she said all right I only use my boyfriend obviously she wants me to commit to her thinking I’m some kind of sucker or something was okay you’re so sexy with your sexy body I’ll commit to you right now before even having sex with you you know the strong army into a damn relationship committed relationship. so she says yeah. ” I only only do this for my boyfriend ” and you know I looked at that I said oh that’s ridiculous that’s a surefire way to mess up a potentially good relationship. I mean if people you know commit to each other, get into a committed relationship before having sex, they don’t even know if they’re sexually compatible. and you know that’s one of the pillars of a strong relationship, sexual intimacy so you go and commit to someone and then afterwards you’re committed and you finally make love for the first time, and you realize you’re not sexy compatible. you know it’s not going to work and now two people are going to be seriously hurt because of this. that’s why smart people want to build a strong relationship, they make love first because they want to know that they’re compatible in every way. that’s how you flow with it right? and then the moment I said that, her knees went legs popped right open she rolled those panties on down and it was on. so by knowing these you know these different uh women mind sex statements and stuff you can learn different tactics and strategies on how to capitalize on that.


So there you go share any crazy shit you’ve heard women say before during or after sex in the comments below. And hey even if you’re a lesbian I’d love to hear your comments, share what in the comments you know what you’ve heard from other chicks. I would love to hear this or if you have thoughts on on the ones that I’ve shared my video, I’d love to hear your thoughts too put them in the comments below. And make sure you like this video and smash that subscribe button so you don’t miss out on the next fun video. And sign up for my woman mind sex tips email newsletter to get more training tips in your inbox.


Lastly if you’d like to learn how to give any woman three to seven orgasms every single time you have sex and have her speaking in tongues and saying crazy shit then click on the link below this video to learn more.


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Again, my name is Dillon Wilson, the couple’s coach. 

Don’t miss our next video where we share with you another sexy seduction tip. See you next video.




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