Weight Loss For Women
A Simple ‘Ice Hack’ Discovered Recently Cuts Fat In Your Sleep
Discover how an odd 5-second “Ice Hack” discovered this year is helping women drop 40 – 60+ pounds (up to 2.5lbs per night), fit into their favorite jeans again, lose stubborn belly fat, drop 4 dress sizes, feel amazing and love the way they look in the mirror again!
All while still enjoying their favorite foods.
The Smoothie Weight Loss Diet
See how busy women are losing 3 – 8 lbs in 1 week, getting boosted energy levels, a clearer mind, glowing healthy skin, better sleep and no more belly bloat. Lose as much weight as you want with these all natural, great tasting smoothies developed by a certified Health Coach to get you fast, lasting weight loss results.
Learn how you can get Personal Fitness Training at home. Follow-along videos where you train in the comfort of your own living room using your bodyweight and a kettlebelle. Fun and effective workouts to ensure that you continue to get fit, firm and fabulous!
Once you learn how to master the kettlebell, you may never want to train with “regular weights” again! Includes a Private Online Support Community led by your Personal Fitness Coach, daily tips and more.