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[Video] How To Turn A Woman On Physically | 12 Tips On How To Turn A Girl On Fast!

[Video] How To Turn A Woman On Physically | 12 Tips On How To Turn A Girl On Fast!

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VIDEO TRANSCRIPTION – How To Turn A Woman On Physically and even How To Turn A Girl On Fast! That’s what I’ll answer in today’s video.

Hi, my name’s Dillon Wilson the Couples Coach. I help single people and couples enjoy their lives more by having GREAT sex!

I also help guys seduce girls & PERMANENTLY hook them with their sex game.

Before we get underway, if you’d like to learn more about pleasuring yourself and your partner in fun, new and exotic ways, or how to effectively seduce women, check out my highly popular video courses and ebooks at or click on the link below this video.

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Ok so how to turn on a woman physically, fast with verbal and nonverbal cues? I’m going to break this down for you fellas! So take notes.

A lot of guys have no clue as to how to turn on a woman physically or with words. They just think whipping their dick out is enough! WRONG!

So I’m going to put a stop to that today, by sharing with you 12 of the Best ‘Girl turn on tips’ that are time tested and experience proven. We’ll start first with things that you do to yourself to turn a girl on and THEN we’ll go to things that you do to her to turn her on fast!


How To Turn A Woman On Physically Tip 1:

Your clothes – Guess what fellas, women like a lot of the same things that we do. Girls get turned on fast when you show some skin. Got nice arms? Wear things that show off your arms like tight-fitting shirts or short sleeves.

They LOVE nice legs so wear pants or shorts that draw attention to your legs. 

If girls have said you have a great butt. Then select pants or jeans that draw attention to it.

Bottom line, you should dress to accent your best attributes. This starts turning women on BEFORE you even open your mouth.


How To Turn A Woman On Physically Tip 2:

Smell Amazing! This is one of the biggest turn-ons for girls. The right cologne or oil will get their engines revving. Oftentimes they just start smiling and compliment you “Oh you smell good!”.




How To Turn A Girl On Fast Tip 3:

Dress sharply in a blazer or tailored suit. Walk with confidence like you know you look good…and her heart and loins will melt. You’ll instantly look hotter and more powerful in her eyes.


How To Turn A Girl On Fast Tip 4:

Make her notice your dick. When a woman has nice boobs or booty you can’t help but look right? It’s like some unseen force is MAKING you check out those tits and ass! Women know this! This is why they wear clothes that highlight their butts and boobs. They even pad their bras and get padded panties to make their butts look bigger because they know they will turn you on. Hint hint.

Well, you can do the same thing to them. Plenty of entertainers put a rolled-up sock or a sport protective cup in the crotch area of their pants to make it look like they have an erection. And it works! Women ALWAYS notice it and it turns them on EVERYTIME. 

Obviously, if sex breaks out you have to hide the sock or cup or you’ll have some explaining to do. LOL!


More pua training from a previous article:


How To Turn A Woman On Physically Tip 5:

Kiss your lady in OTHER areas: I’m not talking about her vagina!

Places like behind her ears, on the back of her neck, and even on her FOREHEAD. Chicks love it when you kiss their forehead, it’s a very intimate area,  and it’s different cause everyone else kisses on the lips or something, right? Kissing on the forehead is much more intimate and they can’t help but to like you more.

Their hands – caressing her hands, even kissing her hands ( kiss, kiss ), and my personal favorite, sucking on the fingers. Now, what I’m, I’m sure you want my tips, I’ll break it down for you, right? Usually three, these three are the best ones to suck on, right? You suck on these, and you’re gonna let your tongue go in and out of the finger, right? And as you suck them and you lick on them, this turns them on, right? And they hear what you say, like, ah, ” Are these the fingers that you use? ” 

And they’ll sometimes start smiling because they know what you’re saying. When women masturbate, they use like, a hand formation like this or they may use these fingers or something, yet using up these fingers may bring up the play, they play with their clitoris when they masturbate.

So you suck, you both –5:22—you’ll be anyway, you sucking her fingers be really intimate because it’s letting her know you like sexually so being calming down her fingers, that’s not good, you know like, you know, smooth get girl, yeah  ” Are these the fingers that you use, baby? ” She starts smiling and it gets her pre-lube of what you’re gonna be in bed. So hands are powerful even kissing, and then the sucking thing that I shared with you, bam you got it.

These are all sensitive areas for ladies and HUGE turn-ons.


How To Turn A Woman On Fast Tip 6:

My personal favorite, grab and twist her hair and bite her on the neck, arrr, or nibble. 

You know, on her neck. And you suck on it too, like a vampire. Now, so you’re like this, you know like, hey you’re kissing me. You don’t have to close your mouth the whole way, you just do it like this, that’s why I said nibble, so that she feels your teeth, your teeth up and down on her neck, but you don’t close your teeth together.

That’s why I say nibble, that’s what I mean. You know, you can bite or suck it like a vampire, now, now why it is huge? When done correctly, it is a huge turn-on for women. It’s very primal and very animalistic and they feel it, they feel like your manhood, like that the masculine energy that’s coming from you is strong.     

Now, the only issue is the hickey. Cause that’s when they say like, ” No, don’t keep, why are you sucking on my throat? You’re gonna give me a hickey. ” You know, first of all, what you do is can you regulate it so you don’t leave a hickey on her, right? 

Or just say, ” Look girl, you know, you got a turtle neck. That’s where your turtleneck will work. You’ll be alright. Just wear your turtle neck. “


How To Turn A Woman On Fast With Contact Tip 7:

Give her a hand massage or especially a foot massage.

Especially the foot massage. They will start to melt instantly and the vagina juices will just start flowing. Some of them will orgasm on the foot massages. It’s amazing. 6 or more so different from us right?


How To Turn A Woman On Fast With Contact Tip 8:

Surprise Her With a Treat

You know it could be something like picking her favorite candy bar or piece of chocolate cake. One cake, two forks so you share it. You know or even picking up a flower, a single flower. It doesn’t have to be a rose, be something, do something original, right? You know a single flower when you’re going to visit her going to see her and don’t tell her about you know, surprise her with this is a huge freaking turn onto women because it shows them that you were thinking about them even when you weren’t around them, right? 

And this is an easy win that so many guys oftentimes overlook. 

Now, I’ll share a story you know this, that happened to me a long time ago. This was a woman I dated. It actually became my girlfriend. This girl was a 10 plus like you know you have like a scare of like one to ten, this chick was beyond the scale. All guys hit on her from all different ethnic groups everywhere she went it was all the time.

She went to court for a traffic ticket the judge in the corporation was trying to hit on. She was that physically fine. Has all these dudes you know hitting on her. And a lot of guys tried to flash their money they have fancy jobs, fancy cars, they will, you know, flash their key fobs from their cars. For some reason, they didn’t have impressed her. 

I drove around in a used car, an older model car, had sweatpants, a sweatshirt, and a baseball cap. I got the girl, here’s how it happened, right? So when she and I were talking, when I would crack jokes and you know she liked my personality and stuff. Never underestimate the value of humor, right? 

Yet then as I was talking about always finding out what the girls like. Some girls like chocolate, most girls chocolate. Some girls don’t. One girl like, they only like gummy bears, right? So you know that’s the treat. So, when I talked to her, she liked this special type of chocolate Claire that was only sold in local bakeries. 

It was something you pick up in casual conversation. We never talked about it. Again, y’all remember right? I said I never knew. 

And then one night, she and I were just getting to know each other, we hadn’t had sex yet, right? So she’s working at night, you know? Uh, running something like a diet center. She was the boss of the place, you know? And I called this, ” Hey, I’m gonna be in the area, I’ll stop by and say hi. Okay, come on through. “

So on the way there, I stopped at this group, this bakery and I got the little chocolatey Claire for her. It was raining and everything so I get to her office. I said, ” Hey, you know, how are you doing? Blah blah blah. She’s like, ” Thank you for stopping by, I know it’s late and it’s raining out. That means a lot to me that you would stop by to say. ” 

” Hey, sure cause I picked up a treat for you. ” She said, ” what is this? “

And she opened up the bag and when she saw that chocolatey Claire inside, her face lit up. It changed the dynamic of her entire day. She’s like, ” Oh, my God. I’ve been craving one of these all day. ” She was so happy from this three-dollar cake, right? So after she finished you know everybody what to do in the office, she took me to her office, remember we were just getting to know each other, we hadn’t had sex or anything yet. Next thing I know, I’m in her office and her tities are in my mouth. And she had 38 D’s like you, she looked like Apollonia from the movie Purple ring. 

So if you want to get an idea of what this one looks like, Google, uh Purple rain, the movie Prince was in. Look up Apollonia, that’s how she looked. Damn! That girl was nice. So her big ass, 38 Ds titties with my face, in my mouth, and I’m thinking, Damn, what happened, right?

And then she closed the office up and she told me before she was gonna have sex with me in my car. I Didn’t get all that yet. Anyway, we were sitting in my car and the next thing I know, she’s getting me hit. And I’m thinking to myself that she’s getting my head all this, from that silly ass, you know the chocolatey Claire. 

And here’s the thing, all those other dudes who were pursuing her lost out to me. These dudes are already establishing their careers, had moved houses, all that type of stuff, because the mistake was, they were, well, they were too busy trying to impress her. I was busy paying attention to her. So pay attention to her, find out what she likes, don’t say anything about it, go get one of those treats and surprise her with it and see what happens.


How To Turn A Woman On Fast With Contact Tip 9:

Cuddle with her. 

Yeah, I said it. Because it works. It’s one of my personal favorites. I love cuddling with girls. Few women on planet earth don’t like cuddling. If your woman doesn’t want to cuddle, there’s something wrong with her. Seriously. 

And the thing is when you try to do it, don’t try to bang them. Just cuddle with them, hold them in your arms while you’re watching the television or even listening to romantic music. What happens, they develop a strong emotional connection with you and their juices just start flowing.

I can say this from personal experience. My cuddle game is strong, I got all my couple techniques perfected, you understand? You gotta work your little rhythm, I have like, your sex, you’ve got your sex technique. You’ve got your kind of techniques. 

So I’ve worked my cuddle techniques on girls and they’re sometimes, just literally wanting to cuddle. I’ve told girls this, so many times, so many different girls. I called them on the phone like, ” Look ” I said, you know. ” Stop by for a little bit, we just cuddle. Spend time together, no sex.

” I specifically tell them, no sex. We’re just gonna cuddle, hold each other, spend time together, watch your show, listen to music, and just talk, right? Just chill. Like, ” Okay, yeah, it sounds good. ” 

I get there, you know we start, you know the caressing begins. You know, and then, sooner or later, they start kissing me, I’m kissing them, and next thing you know they’re always bouncing up and down on top of you.

I share this with you because I literally did LEGIT, and did not want sex, but every time I tell a woman this, it’s a turn-on. So you can try that strategy. Like you tell them, you know, we’re just going to cuddle, no sex and now it’s in their mind. ” how dare you to tell me what we can and cannot do? ” That kind of thing. And then you start cuddling, and they start feeling you, it breaks out into sex. 

To date, I’ve had sex with hundreds of chicks, I never had one woman who was legit able to just cuddle with me and not break into sex. So the cuddle strategy is STRONG.


How To Turn A Woman On Fast With Contact Tip 10:

Pick her Up and spin around.

Now you don’t have one of those heavyweight girls. I mean you ain’t trying to give yourself a hernia after all. Then you want to scoop her up off her feet and spin her around. 

And here’s the thing, don’t put her down until she says ” Pretty, please. ” or my personal favorite, ” Please daddy, put me down. ” And you tell her, ” I’m not putting you down. You want to put me down, you say, please daddy, put me down. ” And you’re plain and simple. So, ” Please daddy, put me down. ” That’s all you need, right? And you put her down.

Now the thing is women are suckers being lifted up and spin around like little freaking kids is what I’m saying, right? Think about it. psychology, most women, facts have not been picked up since they were children. Who was the last man that picked her up? Her daddy. So when you do that, you’re the next man since daddy, to actually pick her up. 

See guys can talk all kinds of stuff yet when you get the strength and you pick your girl up, there are a few things that masculine, you know, you want to get this alpha male stuff. Alpha male stuff like that, you know. 

Plus they also feel that you’re strong, you’re powerful and you’re dominant. These are all huge turn-ons for women. 


How To Turn a Woman On With Words Tip 11:

News flash actually talks about having sex. So she’s not going to think about having sex with you. uh, well, you know, if you, if you did some of the other stuff we covered already, yeah, she will, I’m just saying, you know. 

You want to plant those seeds there so you don’t wind up in the let’s just be friends zone, right? So she’s not gonna start thinking about having sex with you unless you plant those seeds in her fertile mind, right? And you want to have a few conversation topics ready to go. Let’s do that.

Here are a couple of winners. This has covered more of my courses and I’m going to share a couple with you now. So, yeah, you know, that’s what you say to her, yeah. I read an article the other day that said that women relate the way a guy dances with how good he is in bed.

Do you agree with that? Oh, really, why? and she’s going to start, you know, that’s kind of, that’s, that’s woman cocaine right there, they just….going right up in the mouth. yeah, what’s happening is now she’s imagining you, you know, and sex. She views you as a sexual creature. 

Here’s the second one. I was reading one of those magazines those women’s magazines in a supermarket the other day and there was an article that said that you can tell how good someone is in bed by the way that they kiss. If they’re a lousy kisser then they’re lousy in bed and if they’re a good kisser, then they’re good in bed. You know. What do you think about that?

Once again, she’s gonna be like….you know, she’s thinking of you now, right. And this is why you want to want to pay attention to kissing, your kissing game. You know, when you know this kind of thing. And Here’s the thing, I cover strategies like these and more in my How to Seduce Women Course. 

We, I’m gonna break it down fellas, you go from virgin to you know, sex guys, you know. And it’s in one course. Everything you need to know and it works with women all over the world. Not just one ethnic group. 

Also, a little FYI. You may not realize it if there is, a significant number of guys out there who don’t have a strong sex drive. I mean various ages. Not just you know dudes over 40 or 50 of all ages. Because they were either born that way or they don’t have enough testosterone.

Especially as they get older, they don’t even know they need to change their diet around, you know, too, uh generate more uh, testosterone, so their sex drive is low. So these are the dudes that the women, the whole point is, are used, to having sex with. So you know that your sex game is strong. You want to make sure that she knows it, right. 

And you say it, your body movements, little conversational topics like that. Let her know that your mind is about sex and when you do have sex, you throw it down. It’s like I do it, when I do it, girl. I do it right. And what it does is it makes her more curious about having sex with you.


How To Turn a Woman On With Contact Tip 12

Here it is. The granddaddy of them all..drumroll! wait for it! wait for it! Dance with her. That’s right. 

If you really want to lock it in with her and make her fall in love with you the first time, and fall in love with you, all over again, dance with it, right? All you do is turn on some music that she likes. You should know her music or have her playlist queued up or whatever.

And then when the music’s on, you extend your hand to her like this. And you’re saying in your smoothest, slowest, and deepest voice, ” Come over here and dance with me ” And just start smiling, right?

She’ll start smiling. Now, remember. Most girls love to dance. It’s something that you know, very sensual and very erotic and fully clothed. I mean their vagina juices are flowing right. 

And you don’t need fancy dance moves. Dance something slow and sensual, right? And the thing is, they’re feeling it because they know that the way you dance is how you’re going to be in bed. 

If you’re all up there like all jerky and weird looking, they’re like, ah, you just like, you know, it’s kind of putting your shoulders into it as you know, you’re hitting some, some rhythm, they’re like oh, that’s the right girl. 

This is a prelude to passion right here. They know, right! So I actually teach one of these dance moves to a simple routine that every man can pick up. Doesn’t matter if you literally have three left feet. You can learn these dance moves in my highly popular video course, The Ecstasy Method.

” The proven system for giving women multiple mind-blowing orgasms every single time. In this course, you learn how to give a woman an average of three to seven orgasms. It works on everyone, once you learn a technique, right? So I break it down in that course. 

Yet you know as far as dancing is concerned, it virtually always leads to sex right? Almost, always. Women know that how a man dance is how he’s gonna be in bed and literally once you start kissing and caressing, the clothes come off, titties in your face. And you know, panties are hanging from a lamp, or chandelier, or ceiling fan or something and sex is on. 



So there you have it. 12 Tips on how to turn a woman on physically and even how to turn a girl on fast. Try a few of these yourself and see how they work for you. 

Also, make sure to sign up for my Naughty Tips email newsletter to get sexy seduction tips in your inbox each week. 

Lastly, if you want to learn more ways about pleasuring yourself and even your partner in fun, new and exotic ways, or you’re like to learn how to effectively seduce women. Check out my highly popular video courses and ebooks at Or click on the link below this video. 


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Again, my name is Dillon Wilson, the couple’s coach. 

Don’t miss our next video where we share with you another sexy seduction tip. See you next video.


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